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Added Random!!!

Welcome to Random!!!

This page will contain many different section that are about anything I feel like talking about. Currently its a little unfinished, and more stuff will be added here eventually.

Table of contents:
Video Games

Video Games

I enjoy basiclly all time of video games. Arcade games, Handheld games, computer games and console games. I'm also a huge retro gamer, and enjoy the classics. Infact most of the games that I play are probably from atleast the previous generation of gaming (I don't own a PS5 yet).
Here is a list in no paticular order about some of my favorite consoles:

Steam Deck
I recently got the Valve SteamDeck, and I have to say that it is one of the best handhelds ever. I've always wanted to play my PC, and emulated games on the go, and with it I can do just that. The only thing I don't like about it, is its size. I miss when portable consoles could just fit into your pocket, and you could wip them out whenever. I understand that smartphones have sorta replaced this class, and I could just buy a cheep Android phone and a backbone controller to play games on, but its not the same. I actually use my SteamDeck to play most of my modern steam libray (except games that need a keyboard and mouse). I'm planning on buying the SteamDeck Dock evenutally, so I can play the games on my TV. Anyways the SteamDeck is good! Go buy one if possible!

Playstation 3
I have noclue why, but I've been playing alot of games on my PS3 as of recent. Its a really good, and solid console. I've recently been replaying the LittleBigPlannet games, and games from developers I like such as Klonoa, Mighty Filp Champ! DX, and StrongBad's Cool Game for Attractive People (two of which are currently only avaliable throught the PS3s online store). I also like how I can play PS1 games on it, and sense the PS3 controller is basiclly the same as the PS1s controller, it works out really well. I recently bought Pac-Man World for PS1, and have been having a blast with it. The PS3 is really cool, and I'd highly recommened.

Sega Genesis
It's no secret that I love Sega! So it probably comes as no suprie that the Sega Genesis is on this list. Ofcourse I could gush about Sonic the Hedgehog here, but instead I'm going to gush over a different game that I just recently beat. WonderBoy III the Dragon's Trap on the Master System is a really good game, but its sequel on Genesis, WonderBoy in Monster World is so much better. It is such a good game with colorful graphics, a good story, fun gameplay, challening, and down right amazing for when it originally camme out in 1989. I feel this game gets often overshadowed by its sequal Monster World IV. Not to dunk on Monster World IV, because I haven't even played it yet so as far as I know the game is probably better than Wonderboy in Monster World, but I feel that even if IV is better, Wonderboy in Monster World still deserves praise for what it does well, and right. Back on track, I also like the Sega CD addon, because Sonic CD is really good, and also having a CD player thats controlled throught the Genesis Pad is pretty cool!


Stuffz you can download. Sometimes art, or programs, or audio, or files, or etc (mostly files, and programs). Also btw, since Neocities doesn't support uploading files unless they have certain extentions, you will have to download these files on Google Drive :( :

MS-DOS C Programs:
these are some of my MS-DOS C programs that I progamed ...
PRICPIX.EXE: This was a test to try and place pixels. I use it to draw a curse on screen, and then you can press any key to exit
RAND.EXE: This draws random CGA lines on the screen when you press any of the keys. Pretty cool stuff
TRANS.EXE: This draws the trans pride flag on screen.

Dave Phillip Atari ST Music:

I found these Atari ST music files on a few old floppy disks apparently from a guy named Dave Phillip judging from the lables on the disks. I'm not really an Atari ST guy, so I have no idea how to open these files or possibly listen to the music on them. All I know is that they are stored as ".MTS" files, and that its used by some werid midi tracker program that doesn't work under wine. I'll have a link to them here as an archive for anybody who wants to have a look at it. If you get any results than email me!

Browse >>

Am I trans, or do I just wanna wear skirts?

Recently I've been been thinking alot about my phyical appearence, and what I want to wear. I've also been messing around with my guy (the character at the top left of the screen), and drawing him a little different, and I'm really happy with how he looks now. If I could dress like this IRL I would.

So yeah, I might be a little bit gay lol. Also if you see the guy in the corner change then, thats probably why

Jan 25 2024

Page last updated on December 20th 2023
Any Problems? Email Me: enzomlg88@gmail.com